So my bags are packed, my goodbyes said. I only cried a few dozen times. I have to say I have so much respect for the people who go overseas to fight for our country. Leaving you family, friends, loved ones, and puppy is so hard, and I can only imagine how much worse when it's for many more months in many more dangerous places than I am headed. So, thank you troops - leaving home is hard as hell.
With that said, the RC community threw me an amazing going away party! The spread was perfect for me - bubblecake, shrimp, veggie trays, even a chocolate fountain! The Res Life team went all out and I am so thankful. I miss them already! So many friends came to say their goodbyes. It was a nice time to see everyone collectively. The well wishes and support they showed will carry me the 8000 miles to shanghai and back. :) That doesn't even include the oodles of messages, facebook posts, emails, notes, etc... I got from my students. Truly the best students in the world!! (and in April maybe I'll be able to prove it ;)) Thank you so much RC for letting me come back and make an impact on the school that impacted me so much!

Yesterday, I dropped off Fletcher at Daddy's. Talk about heartbreaking. Saying goodbye to those two was the WORST. The whole 40 minute car ride from Mom's to Ryan's, Fletch had to be touching me. It was like he knew! A paw here, his head in my lap. If I moved him to, you know, drive, he would give me the stink eye! It was pathetic... but as soon as we got to Julies and Fletcher say her black lab Baylee, I knew all would be okay.. And only sobbed for a little while. I am hoping our reunion looks like the heart wrenching Purina commercials when the dogs owners come back from a tour of duty and the dogs go nuts. If it is, I'll make Ryan tape it and I'll put it on the blog. Maybe we'll get a Purina commercial!

I got to see Megan and Brady and the girls yesterday, and have lunch with Ryan and dinner with Mom and Dad and Grammm, and facetimed with Granny and Jaclyn so I had a very nice day full of my favorite people. I also let the lady at the threading place in the mall turn my eye brows to chopped meat and finished packing.. which if you read my earlier post, you knew I was DREADING!
That's the back of mom's car. Two huge duffels (47 and 47.5 pounds respectfully), a over packed bookbag, my pillow pet Snoopy (from Zach for when I miss Fletcher), and a tiny carry on with my outfit for tonight, toothbrush, etc. just in case. It's a beast to manage. Luckily dad helped me get it into the airport this morning.
Now I will tell you quickly about how awesome my parents are. They woke up at 3:00 am to drive me to the airport at 3:30. Helped me inside, and waited until I checked in. This guy in front of me was snarky with the woman behind the counter because HE couldn't just read the instructions at the kiosk (which I have ZERO tolerance for) and kept making comments like "oooh yea stellar customer service" very aggressively. Then realized I was checking in with the wrong airline. Dad helped me get my bags to the right airline and I remember thinking "Damn, is this how my travel day is going to start?". I was newvous. But everything else was so perfect. Everyone else I encountered was so nice. Through security at ROA to the man behind me in the bagel line who told me to take my time because he was in no rush and I was trying to maneuver my bags.. so why the delay at the beginning? Usually travel is all good or all bad. Well, after I got settled at the gate in Charlotte, I called mom. Turns out that on their way down 220 they noticed a barn on fire with the flames coming very close to the house it was behind. Dad got out and started banging on the door while mom called 9-1-1. My amazing parents woke up a family of five, two dogs, and a cat. While the people were outside and the house was already almost completely filled with smoke, they heard the smoke detectors finally go off. The fire department came. Dad emptied his wallet to the owner before leaving. I was chatting with mom (I'm on the plane by the way) a few minutes ago and she said she was so sad that she forgot to give me money that morning but she was glad they had money to give that guy. I was glad they did too. Everything happens for a reason - that mean guy, checking in at the wrong kiosk, mom being upset and forgetting to give me cash - all seemed to lead my awesome parents to help these people who really needed them. Anyway, I hope the family will be okay and land on their feet and I am SUPER proud of my parents.
I think that's all for now! The flight to San Diego is packed and I'm on a huge plan (3 seats each time) - does anyone know why they put the people who sit by the window in the later zone? You'd think they'd do the window seats first, then middle, then aisle right? But maybe they do the front plane first, and then go back.. and I'm always the last for my zone because who wants to sit on a plane longer than they have to?
Anyways, I'll tell you more about my two favorite gifts one of the days at sea where I don't have a lot to talk about but here are fun facts about San Diego courtesy of the best friend in the universe: Megan Via McDonald.
- San Diego was originally named San Miguel
- San Diego has more fleas than any other city (I'm not sure how they calculate that Meg - maybe by exterminator calls? Either way I hope they don't make their way onto the ship!)
- You're not allowed to swim in any lakes in San Diego (good to know!)
- Hypnotism was banned from public schools in the city (I think the students must have been hyptnotising the teachers to give them A's right?! Cuz if the teachers were hyptnotising students to behave better THAT WOULD ROCK!!!)
And there are your fun facts. Now to finish this flight, meet Rachel at the airport, get to the hotel, and get settled before the meet and greet tonight!! Talk to you all later!