![IMG_0457[1] IMG_0457[1]](http://lh5.ggpht.com/-otZbl_4U9ms/UPm3HfTiAFI/AAAAAAAAAKM/TdZlkS_umU8/IMG_0457%25255B1%25255D_thumb%25255B2%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800)
![IMG_0458[1] IMG_0458[1]](http://lh4.ggpht.com/-tOmdCD4NHG8/UPm3RgukwNI/AAAAAAAAAKc/Fvd9PTyrqhs/IMG_0458%25255B1%25255D_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
Isn’t it pretty?
The gas station for ships is quite interesting. A huge barge pulls up next to us and attaches all kinds of things and we sit for 8 hours! (photo below)
![IMG_0456[1] IMG_0456[1]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-1u_sY60suCI/UPm3W3qCloI/AAAAAAAAAKs/Cx9hpR5pboc/IMG_0456%25255B1%25255D_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
(please excuse my thumb! LOL)
We were supposed to leave after we fueled but due to bad weather in the Pacific we are sitting comfortably docked to Honolulu. Close enough to see the fun, and enjoy the beautiful weather but not able to get off and explore!! The students have been great about it – I think when everyone realizes that the 13m waves we were facing are twice as bad as the 5m waves that made everyone sick the first day, they can understand! I am certainly very thankful!!
It also gave me a good opportunity to catch up with some people via phone and FaceTime <3

Hewwo, sweet boy!
For those who like to see where the ship is located daily (mom), one of the faculty on the ship and his wife are posting the coordinates on their blog. You can find that here: www.johngirard.net/sas/
Some of my lovely coworkers are blogging as well, so if mine aren’t as interesting, or you’d like to look for hopefully not embarrassing stories about me you can follow them here:
Jason & Kelly: http://gulliverstavern.blogspot.com/
Willard: http://whereswillard.blogspot.com/
Rachel: https://singoutloud.jux.com/
Craig: http://craigatsea42.blogspot.com/
Kevin: http://deanmckeeatsea.blogspot.com/
Christine: http://christineatsea.wordpress.com/
Elizabeth: http://wanderlustlikeyoumeanit.blogspot.com/
Travis & Josh: http://jtendlessadventure.tumblr.com/
Tom (writing for his 5 year old son Parker): http://parkeratsea.blogspot.com/
And the voyage blog (at the helm): http://www.semesteratsea.org/voyage-blogs/spring-2013/
Lots of reading!! I haven’t figured out how to send them all to my email so I can read their posts when they update and with limited internet, it’s kind of “big brother style” (the reality TV show) where I don’t know what’s going on in my friend’s brains until after the season is over and I watch the season and see all their testimonials! LOL
I’m in the faculty/staff lounge – Archbishop Desmond Tutu just walked in and is drinking a diet coke and reading on his ipad… file that under things that are adorable. He is one of the sweetest men I’ve ever met. He reminds me of my grandfathers - very quiet and strong and almost commanding respect without even trying, while still being super goofy and fun and giggly. Such a cool guy! I was on a manhunt for his books in Hawaii but to no luck! I will try to find some in Japan (fingers crossed!)
![IMG_0459[1] IMG_0459[1]](http://lh5.ggpht.com/-pICsVKJUUNc/UPm3nTWKRYI/AAAAAAAAALM/_S4LXOn0xAo/IMG_0459%25255B1%25255D_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
Panorama of the Faculty/Staff Lounge with Hawaii in the background. Quiet during the day, not as much at night!!
![IMG_0460[1] IMG_0460[1]](http://lh6.ggpht.com/-I_UyQz9uJME/UPm3tJhY48I/AAAAAAAAALc/5KmGooZWCKw/IMG_0460%25255B1%25255D_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
With Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Cool panoramic photo! And I also love your pic with the Archbishop. He looks like a nice, peaceful man.