Thursday, March 14, 2013

Who Needs Photoshop?

I still cannot get over how I can look out the window and see NO waves. The Indian Ocean is truly a sight. Because there are no waves there have been a lot of wildlife sightings. Flying fish are very common (and the only thing I’ve personally seen so far). Others have seen dolphin pods, and sea turtles. SO COOL! I’ve got to be on the look out but it’s so hot out!

The crew is on pirate watch. They are stationed from 9pm-6am on the lower decks of the ship, and the side decks of the ship. They told us they are supposed to watch for any boat approaching the MV without lights on… how the heck can you see them if they don’t have lights on? My favorite is that they have the high pressure water hoses out as well. I’m not sure if they intend to sink them or just deter but who knows. No sightings yet, and rarely any ships/boats in our eyesight at all but it’s nice to know the crew is holding down the fort. We really have the best crew of anywhere.

We had a soul food dinner to celebrate black history month (yes it was in February but we celebrated in March) – the fried chicken and mac and cheese was a nice change from the regular routine. A lot of my friends were shocked to find out I don’t like pie… and then we started talking about carrot cake… and then I talked about baby jack’s carrot cake (mom, do you see where I am going with this?) YUMMMMMMM I want some sweet baby jack carrot cake. Then I started talking about the cookies and cream cake... now all I want is cake. I hope Mauritius has some good cake! :) 

In other news, we had a beautiful sunset on 3/13. :) 


  1. I will have both cakes waiting for you along with a big fresh ham!

  2. Big fresh moldy hanging ham. Hahahaha i had to. I made that carrot cake last month! It was a hit. The icing is dangerous. Pirates! Eek dont let them get your kit kats

  3. Never mind the mold. It will be awesome! ( maybe).
